Golden Kingdom is a narrative feature film about four orphan boys, novice monks living in a Buddhist...
Since its overwhelming success on Broadway forty years ago, Hair has inspired generations with its m...
In the 1960s and 1970s thousands of hippies journeyed east to India in search of enlightenment. All,...
Featuring the pioneers of LSD, this documentary chronicles its discovery by Alfred Hofmann to its pr...
The profoundly moving story of native New Yorker, Jack Beers. He cuts down trees and rips telephone ...
A powerful portrait of a young girl venerated as a goddess growing up in a country on the verge of c...
Nicholas Vreeland walked away from a worldly life of privilege to become a Tibetan Buddhist monk in ...
With brush, ink, and rice paper, Zen painter Alok Hsu Kwang-han uses the play of light and dark to e...
ON MEDITATION explores the deeply personal practice of meditation through an exploration of extraord...
Critically-acclaimed Protagonist explores extremism through four contrasting stories of personal rev...
Blue Fin Tuna is a valuable commodity that faces potential extinction due to the explosion in the po...
After the fall of Communism, the plight of the Proletariat is rarely discussed and today's manual la...